Management Rights Finance

The team at Green Finance Group has been specialising in management rights finance solutions for more than 30 years. Many of our business finance brokers have previously worked in bank credit departments and were responsible for shaping bank lending policy specifically for management rights businesses.

In the current environment there are a number of banks that lend to management rights businesses and competition is still strong. Getting a better finance deal on your business comes down to knowing which lender is more readily able to discount or provide additional benefits for your business and that’s where we can help.

Whether you are a new entrant to this industry or an experienced investor, an individual or group, we know which lenders will be receptive to your business opportunity. We can provide you with a choice of options (not just one) and we’ll even negotiate with the lender for a better finance deal on your behalf.

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Why experience matters when funding a management rights business?

It’s critical to source a finance broker who understands the complexities and opportunities within the management rights industry today. All too often business owners fall into the trap of utilising their existing broker or banker to source funding only to discover, too late, their lack of experience or appetite for your business type can cause unnecessary application processing delays or worse, end in a declined application.


When selecting a professional finance broker, ask for examples of management rights transactions they have successfully completed in the last 6-12 months.


Click here to learn more about how award-winning management rights finance specialist Daniel Green can help you.

How can we help?

We work with management rights businesses regularly and understand there is more to competitive finance than ticking a few boxes. Your Green Team finance broker will guide you through the finance application process and assist with the following:


  • Provide a summary of suitable lenders and products to choose from.
  • Provide an overview of your maximum borrowing capacity from a range of lenders.
  • Compare loan packages & negotiate with the lender to achieve the most competitive financial package available.
  • Provide information on cost effective loan structuring, repayments and set-up costs
  • Provide advice on your purchase price.
  • Assist in arranging valuations.
  • Complete the loan paperwork and package your finance application tailored to the lender’s requirements.
  • Facilitate the set up of everyday deposit and trust accounts, EFTPOS, BPay and electronic banking.
  • Provide recommendations for proven management rights specialists in complementary industries such as accountants, solicitors, business managers, tax advisors.
  • You’ll also have access to our in-house risk advisors should you wish to consider risk insurance, succession planning or estate planning during the business set-up process.

Considering the purchase of your first management rights business? Click here for an overview of what you need to know now.


Get in touch to find out how you can get a better deal on your management rights finance today.


Our Management Rights Finance Specialists

Daniel Green


Australia's leading hospitality, accommodation and childcare finance specialist and winner of Australian Broker of the Year 2022.

LATEST Management Rights Finance ARTICLE

"Management Rights Finance: Why going direct to the bank isn't always the answer"

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